??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Wonderland? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.9 (13 Ratings)??9 Grabs Today. 7416 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ?????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Underwear Shopping

This is probably the last thing you ever expected me to post about. I mean, how random is underwear shopping? And probably nobody wants to hear about it. And no, I'm not going into detail about MY underwear shopping, just about the concept in general. I have a few things to say.
First of all, WHY THE HECK ARE PEOPLE SO EMBARRASSED TO SHOP FOR UNDIES?! Because I've been to Macy's/Sears/JCPenny's/Target/St. Martha's Thrift Shop with a friend and gone underwear shopping, and the initial response to being in the underwear section with people you know is like, "Ohmigod how embarrassing!" WHAT THE HECK IS SO MORTIFYING? It's just undies! It's like jeans shopping or buying a video game. But do your cheeks (the ones on your face) turn red and do you start stuttering if you're with friends in Gamestop or the Levi's store? And I was at the mall today and YES, I was getting undies and there was this other girl shopping for undies with her mom and she looked like she wanted to DIE... I don't understand how just picking out something for a basic necessity can be so painful. It's just fabric on your body, for god's sakes!
And another thing, it's not like anybody cares. Say a dude sees you in the underwear department of Target and you're holding Snoopy boxers. What's he going to think, that you may like Snoopy a little too much? Snoopy has a right to be wherever he wants to be on a person's body! At least he's a positive role model to put on boxers instead of like... Michael Jackson! But who wants his face down there...? Sorry, getting off track. Anyway, it's not like guys are gonna see you in the underwear section anyway, what would THEY be doing over there? Losers.
Underwear shopping should not be the excruciating ordeal that so many think it is. Stop inflicting that feeling of shame on yourself, people! However, buying birth control from a 7/11 at age 15? A bit more awkward.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I am officially in love with Sheryl Crow's guitarist, Peter Stroud... He's no Kirk Hammett or anything, but the way he performs is amazing.
He kind of like just stands there playing, which is usual background bass player lame-o behavior. But somehow he makes it work, he just plays and gets so into it that halfway through the concert he's like walking around the stage and just really, really concentrated and it's incredible to watch. And every once and a while, during a solo when he's playing like there's nobody else around, he kind of smiles to himself, like everything in the world is balanced and nothing else matters besides that moment.
And he stares straight at you when he does it. So. Freakin'. Cool. It's one of the most Zen things I've ever seen.
So yes, at the Sheryl Crow concert I was at last night she was pretty dang good and I loved her guitar and her singing (and especially her Michael Jackson impression, don't ask) but her guitarist took the cake for me. Especially since we were like three rows back and he makes eye contact with the audience while he plays. It's amazing, he's such a natural born guitar player.